Student Solution


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Finance for Managers_Module 5 Discussion

Finance for Managers_Module 5 Discussion

Q How do ethics codes apply to project selection and capital budgeting?

Q What are the potential risks to a company of unethical behaviors by employees? What are potential risks to the public and to stakeholders? Please explain how Saint Leo’s core value of integrity is reflected in your answer.

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Ethics can be regarded as the socially acceptable principles’ set in a company which guides and helps an individual or a company in setting up behaviour of their members in the making of decision. Law guides the business ethics even though actions that are unethical are illegal always. The most vital component in the ethical behaviour happens to be knowledge, accomplishment of actions leads to common good’s betterment. It can be ethical and moral responsibility of an individual to not indulge in activity of any kind or commit anything that will exert an impact on the company or others in a negative light (Zutter & Smart, 2019)